
We are a newly established institution – unique in the non-medical disciplines of the Palacký University Olomouc.

We were established in a time of an unsustainable and alarming situation in the field of access to psychotherapeutic treatments in the Czech Republic. We are continuing in our previous support for the public amid the COVID-19 pandemic which were provided in the form of online crisis counselling sessions. Even after the pandemic has subsided, we perceive a constant "increase the need" for therapeutic services. Our centre is supervised by external experts in clinical psychology. 

You just need to choose an appropriate approach for your problems or difficulties, or get advice from our coordinator Mgr. Hrušková at the phone number +420 739 489 441

Individual therapy

Session length: 50 min
Price per session: 900 CZK (UP students: 700 CZK) - from 1st of December 2023 the price per session will be 1.100 CZK (UP students: 1.000 CZK)

Individual therapy is the most common form of psychotherapy and it is suitable for almost everyone. During the therapy, client's difficulties are identified, and we help you by finding ways towards effective coping. It is possible to enter therapy with a specific problem, as well as with broader issues.
This form of therapy can only be successful if the client is open and motivated to change himself/herself. Entering therapy is his/her free choice.

Therapy sessions are usually held once a week at first, and later once per 2 or 3 weeks. They are held in a pleasant environment of the newly renovated premises of the OUSHI at Kateřinská Street 17 in Olomouc. Currently, it is possible to attend therapy with one of four psychotherapists (both men and female) trained in different psychotherapeutic approaches.

Make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441

Group therapy

Session length: 50 min
Price per group session: 1.550,-CZK/month

Group therapy is a good tool to support personal development and change. Group members, along with the therapists, actively create a safe and open environment to discuss various life topics and areas. Group sharing allows for valuable feedback on oneself and one's behaviour while creating a supportive environment to express one's own feelings and attitudes. Through the group, participants can become aware of how people interact and learn new patterns of behaviour.
The group consists of a maximum of 10 participants and 2 therapists. 

Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441

Soon, we will apply
for registration as a non-state medical facility at the Olomouc Regional Authority. We have already fulfilled all the technical criteria; we are waiting for the selection procedure,
and we are also trying to obtain contracts with health insurance companies. Our team of therapists includes both men
men and females with diverse theoretical backgrounds, from daseinsanalysis, cognitive-behavioural therapy
therapy to psychodynamic approach,
and in particular cases, we also provide couples and marital therapy. We work in both individual psychotherapy and outpatient group therapy groups.

Family therapy

Session length: 50 min
Price per group session: 320 CZK

Family psychotherapy focuses on the family, including children. The aim is to achieve a harmonious relationship within the family and healthy development of the children. 
Family therapy is provided by Mgr. Carmen Švýcarská and Prof. Ing. Mgr. et Mgr. Peter Tavel, Ph.D.

Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441

Couples therapy

Session length: 50 min
Price per group session / couple: 1800 CZK

Couples therapy focuses on helping with difficulties in a partner relationship. The aim is to bring partners into mutual harmony, manage any struggles and reach the best solution for both parties. The result may be a resolution of the partner's dispute or, on the contrary, a dignified separation. The basic requirement is a bit of motivation to work on their relationship at least.

Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441

Stress management

Stress management refers to various practices and techniques aimed at stress coping. This is a skill to identify negative stressors and also knowledge of different methods to adaptively deal with stress. The result of successful stress management is an ability to prevent stress and an awareness of the importance of rest and relaxation.

A requirement for successful stress prevention is awareness of one's own stressors.
Unpleasant stress which is linked to negatively attuned and experienced emotional processing (disappointment, fear, fright).
A pleasant and joyful stress that is linked to positively attuned emotional processsing (joyful excitement, anticipation of a pleasant event, enthusiasm). However, even this kind of stress can be harmful in extended exposure.
The state of being unsatisfied with an activity and being disappointed in not achieving a goal, or not fulfilling an important desire, need, or want. Affected people may fall into depression, which is in fact a prolonged and intense frustration. It is an adverse condition where anxious reactions are likely to lead to physical and mental decline.

Goals of stress management

Develop relaxation and rest techniques:
Nurturing long-term performance:
The whole world around us is changing at an incredible pace and ever-higher demands are being placed on us. This fast pace of life is accompanied by stress, which can affect our physical and mental health in the form of loss of performance, as well as numerous diseases, if it is exposed over a long period of time. Everyone has the power to learn working with their stress and effectively avoid negative effects. It is best to start as soon as possible, and not wait until it seems too late. Chronic stress reduces the ability to concentrate and damages brain cells, which causes short-term memory. 

Stress becomes chronic when we lose control over our life. This may show itself in increased irritability or anxiety. Tools which reduce the level of stress hormones in the brain help to control stress.

Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441


prof. Ing. Mgr. et Mgr. Peter Tavel, Ph.D.

MUDr. Michal Kryl

Ing. Mgr. Zdeněk Meier, Ph.D.

Ing. Václav Grepl, Ph.D.

Mgr. Dagmar Hájková

Mgr. Carmen Švýcarská

Mgr. Soňa Kolářová

Mgr. Jan Valer

Mgr. Eva Kochtová

Mgr. Richard Kořínek, PhD.

Mgr. Josef Koláček, PhD.

Mgr. Josef Koláček, PhD.

Contact us

Email us and we will get back to you.