We are a newly established institution – unique in the non-medical disciplines of the Palacký University Olomouc.
We were established in a time of an unsustainable and alarming situation in the field of access to psychotherapeutic treatments in the Czech Republic. We are continuing in our previous support for the public amid the COVID-19 pandemic which were provided in the form of online crisis counselling sessions. Even after the pandemic has subsided, we perceive a constant "increase the need" for therapeutic services. Our centre is supervised by external experts in clinical psychology.
You just need to choose an appropriate approach for your problems or difficulties, or get advice from our coordinator Mgr. Hrušková at the phone number +420 739 489 441
Individual therapy
Session length: 50 min
Price per session: 900 CZK (UP students: 700 CZK) - from 1st of December 2023 the price per session will be 1.100 CZK (UP students: 1.000 CZK)
Therapy sessions are usually held once a week at first, and later once per 2 or 3 weeks. They are held in a pleasant environment of the newly renovated premises of the OUSHI at Kateřinská Street 17 in Olomouc. Currently, it is possible to attend therapy with one of four psychotherapists (both men and female) trained in different psychotherapeutic approaches.
Make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441
Group therapy
Session length: 50 min
Price per group session: 1.550,-CZK/month
Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441

for registration as a non-state medical facility at the Olomouc Regional Authority. We have already fulfilled all the technical criteria; we are waiting for the selection procedure,
and we are also trying to obtain contracts with health insurance companies. Our team of therapists includes both men
men and females with diverse theoretical backgrounds, from daseinsanalysis, cognitive-behavioural therapy
therapy to psychodynamic approach,
and in particular cases, we also provide couples and marital therapy. We work in both individual psychotherapy and outpatient group therapy groups.
Family therapy
Session length: 50 min
Price per group session: 320 CZK
Family therapy is provided by Mgr. Carmen Švýcarská and Prof. Ing. Mgr. et Mgr. Peter Tavel, Ph.D.
Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441
Couples therapy
Session length: 50 min
Price per group session / couple: 1800 CZK
Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441
Stress management
A requirement for successful stress prevention is awareness of one's own stressors.
Goals of stress management
- to be aware of how we usually cope with stress and what a consequence is,
- to understand which factors in us " are to blame" for the onset, intensity and duration of stress or negative emotions,
- to understand the meaning and importance of our sensitivity, resilience, emotions, and growth,
- to recognise the need for personal development, to recognise barriers to grow and to know how to overcome them,
- to recognise different approaches and attitudes to problems and challenging situations.
Develop relaxation and rest techniques:
- to learn the concepts and principles of relaxation and rest,
- practice techniques of concentration, relief and relaxation based on the "mind-body" connection,
- to know how to stimulate your creative energy,
- to acquire the ability to retain and visualise pleasant experiences, goals, and priorities,
- to know how to reframe bad memories,
- to become aware of the possibility of changing unhelpful habits,
- to gain the ability not to repress negative energy but to vent it out in a safe way.
Nurturing long-term performance:
- to be aware of the patterns of performance, ageing, health and psychological well-being,
- to understand which components affect our health conditions,
- to find tips for simple, enjoyable and functional treatments for our long-term performance.
Stress becomes chronic when we lose control over our life. This may show itself in increased irritability or anxiety. Tools which reduce the level of stress hormones in the brain help to control stress.
Find out more info / make an appointment by phone with Mgr. Hrušková: +420 739 489 441

prof. Ing. Mgr. et Mgr. Peter Tavel, Ph.D.

MUDr. Michal Kryl

Ing. Mgr. Zdeněk Meier, Ph.D.

Ing. Václav Grepl, Ph.D.

Mgr. Dagmar Hájková

Mgr. Carmen Švýcarská

Mgr. Richard Kořínek, PhD.

Mgr. Josef Koláček, PhD.