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Smart and healthy ageing through people involved in a support system

Project type: Horizon 2020
Project Number: SEP-210543269
Total support: EUR254 826,25
Implementation period: 11/2019-2023

This project aims to create an integrative IT platform that brings together a wide range of digital solutions aimed at improving health indicators, well-being, and independence of people in an ageing population. The potential to tackle the challenges, especially of older citizens, but also of families and service providers, is the reason for the creation of this platform. It will offer a network of extensive, interconnected digital services and products. These solutions will primarily assist older people facing temporary or permanent impairment of their physical or mental capabilities, but above all will help healthy people to maintain their health for as long as possible.

European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Project type: Horizon 2020
Project Number: OC-2018-2-23249

The project's main outcome is to create an international network of experts to incorporate best practices addressing the challenges of each participating country. The COST aims to share knowledge and experience and prepare for future joint work. The project does not fund specific research.

FAST Family and school together

Project type: OP VVV+OPVK
Project number: CZ.02.3.68/0.0/0.0/19_076/0016445
Total support: CZK 19 767 404
Implementation period: 1/2020-11/2023

The partnership between the family and the school is important for children's educational success.
The project aims to transfer an innovative approach (FAST program) from the United States and implement it in Czech schools. The FAST program, with its 30-year history, is a structured intervention program leading to a more efficient schoolwork system, improving family-school cooperation, and creating an optimal school climate..

Changes in the perception of personal dignity during dementia

Project type: AZV
Project Number: NU20-07-00100
Total support: CZK 511 000
Implementation period: 5/2020-12/2023

The project aims to identify changes in the perception of self-respect among seniors with dementia over three years. Afterward, the factors that seniors with dementia perceive as threatening their dignity are defined. Interview script development and sample recruitment are in progress.

School of Good Relations

Project type: OP VVV+OPVK
Project Number: CZ.02.3.61/0.0/0.0/19_077/0016810
Total support: CZK 15 387 417
Implementation period: 7/2020-12/2022

The project aims to develop an educational support system focused on the areas of a safe school climate and primary prevention of risky behaviour. The implementation of the activities will improve the competencies of teachers in Czech schools. They will gain a basic awareness of the possibilities of dealing with crises and, above all, knowledge of how to prevent such situations. The educational programs, including a video course and video recordings of good practice, will be put into an e-learning format and placed in the LMS system.

Research on a model of remote psychological support for paediatric and adult palliative patients - we are partners in this project

Project type: TACR
Project number: TL04000080
Total support: CZK 4 070 000
Implementation period: 10/2020 - 9/2022

The project intends to develop a model of care and psychological support in preparation for the dying phase using modern technologies. The project also includes the validation of this model from psychological, ethical, economic, spiritual, social, and legal perspectives. The aim is to conduct research in remote psychosocial support for paediatric and adult palliative care patients who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. At that time, it was difficult to provide palliative care from a healthcare perspective to patients when they were in-home care and, conversely, to connect family members with the patient in a healthcare facility due to strict visitation bans, leaving patients dying without the opportunity to say goodbye to loved ones. Time is of the essence in palliative care when it cannot be postponed until after epidemiological measures have passed. In 2021, we have prepared the project "Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care", and we are in the process of collecting interviews and processing them.

Efficacy, effectiveness, and use of emotion-focused therapy in counselling for university students: an experimental study

Project type: Junior grant Palacký University
Project Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-00003205
Total support: CZK 3 840 737 (50% co-financing)
Implementation period: 2020-2022

Training and regular supervision of psychologists/counsellors who will provide counselling not only to UP students are currently underway. We are preparing all necessary documents regarding the ethical/legal aspects of the study and research management. We provide suitable facilities and equipment (cameras, tape recorders) to train the counsellors and the research experiment itself. We also develop the diagnostic and measurement tools we intend to use in the research in collaboration with experts. A review study on current research trends in emotion-focused therapy is in progress.

For the health of the soul

Project number: ZD-ZDOVA1-021
Total support: CZK 14 174 876
Implementation period: 3/2021-2/2024

According to surveys, one of five Czechs suffers from some form of mental illness and up to half of the patients develop symptoms before the age of 14. The National Action Plan for Mental Health, therefore, defines the need for early prevention in schools. Prevention in the Czech Republic focuses mainly on behavioural manifestations such as bullying, truancy, drugs, etc., but universally targeted mental health prevention is not systematically available. The solution is the creation of so-called multidisciplinary teams consisting of child psychiatrists, psychologists, special education pedagogues, social workers, and nurses.

The project aims to improve the situation of children and adolescents at risk of developing, escalating, or chronification of mental health problems. Through the MD team and in cooperation with schools and other professionals, we aim to create a supportive network of services in the Pardubice and Olomouc regions. There, we will test the MDT format on at least 200 cases dealt with in schools, establishing long-term cooperation.

Based on the experience of the foreign partner of the project, the care provided by the MDT will be qualitatively different from the care that is available within the current service system in the Czech Republic. The MDT services will also cover areas outside the health sector. Our project will put in place measures to guide the integration of health care and registered social services into one targeted service. An integral part of the project will be educational activities to destigmatize the issue and reflect on the most pressing areas of children's mental health viewed from the perspective of schools, teachers and parents, and the children themselves. For this part of the project, we will use the DIPEx methodology developed at Oxford University, which uses in-depth interviews. The originality of this solution lies in the involvement of the participants in the creation of a reliable online source of information.


Project number: EHP-CZ-IN-3-007
Total support: CZK 2 493 322
Implementation period: 8/2021-7/2023

The HeartDay project aims to prepare schools and teachers for inclusive measures, to remove barriers to inclusion in schools, and to contribute to strengthening the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in education with a focus on Roma minority children. The adaptation process includes seminars, workshops, and especially one-day informal meetings (HeartDays) with teachers, students, children with special educational needs, their parents, and experts. This will strengthen the competencies of teachers and their students on inclusive measures in the classroom.

The complete international experience - International Mental Health Programme

Project type: Erasmus+ project
Project Number: 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-00003205
Total support: EUR 60 336
Implementation period: 11/2021-11/2024

Within the ERASMUS+ we are participating in preparing a project with ČVUT. Our task is to help students with adaptation and coping with stressful situations through training and psychosocial support. The support is provided for students leaving for a foreign stay or students returning to the Czech Republic. Further cooperation and the creation of programs to help students in this area are on the horizon.

Practical Innovations in social studies

Project number: EHP-CZ-ICP-4-031
Total support: CZK 2 795 989
Implementation period: 8/2022 – 1/2024

Main project objective:
By collaborating with a partner and other universities, we aim to develop the knowledge and practical skills of future social educators and workers, whose role is becoming increasingly important in the current context of inclusive education.

Means to achieve the objective:
a) Knowledge transfer will be primarily through the activities of a multidisciplinary team (MDT), consisting of social educators, university teachers, practitioners, a special educator, and a psychologist. This team will coordinate all activities aimed at the mutual sharing of information and its transfer to the Czech educational environment.
b) The extensive expertise of the team will allow us to analyse specific practical insights from foreign institutions and to look at their implementation from different angles, which may lead to the higher efficiency of the resulting solution.

Outputs of MDT activities:
a) Development of an innovative practical part of the curriculum of Social Pedagogy and Social Work at the candidate’s workplace.
b) Preparation of recommendations for the upgrade of the practical parts of the curricula of social pedagogy and social work courses at other universities not only in the Czech Republic (good practice methodology).

In addition to the above main objective, the project also aims to promote equality in education:
a) To contribute to strengthening the inclusion of disadvantaged groups in education through the activities of social educators and workers.
b) To strengthen the cooperation of educational institutions between the Czech Republic and Norway and thus contribute to the development of the study fields of Social Work and Social Pedagogy and their application in higher education in the Czech Republic.

International VISEGRAD FUND

This project dealt with the issue of drug addiction and more specifically the treatment process in the V4 countries. The project was developed under the leadership of Mgr. Zuzana Půžová within the Writing Projects course at the Department of Christian Education. The course was opened during the winter semester of the academic year 2014/2015.

The course aimed to plan a project with a group of students. In the first phase of planning, we looked for calls offered by different foundations and organisations and decided on the option of an international project supported by the Visegrad Fund. Our project aimed to deepen V4 cooperation, especially in the field of aftercare centres for drug-addicted clients. The different components of the project were sharing experiences, good practices, and discussion on new trends. The primary target group was social workers in the field of addiction and substance abuse. The project involved professionals from all four V4 countries, i.e. Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic.

The project resulted in a conference S.H.A.R.E. (Seek, harken and relay experience) dealing with the issue of drug addiction and more specifically the process of treatment in the V4 countries called “Conference about good practice and new trends in community care and subsequent treatment with drug addicted clients” . The conference took place on 17-18 June 2015.

Social determinants of health in socially and medically disadvantaged and other populations

Project type: OP VVV+OPVK
Project number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0063
Total support: CZK 18 779 000
Implementation period: 9/2011-8/2014

The aim of the project was: 1) the creation of a new scientific team under the leadership of foreign experts, 2) the creation of supporting personnel and material and technical infrastructure for the team, increasing the professional capacity of the team, 3) involvement in international networks and projects and implementation of the organised exchange of information and experience between research institutions. Furthermore, the project focused on the formation of young researchers and the promotion of their scientific activities. The research objective of the project was to focus on the social determinants of health in socially and medically disadvantaged populations and on its psychological, social, and societal aspects.
The project was completed on 31 August 2014.

DIPEx methodology in the field of active aging

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TD020339
Total support: CZK 2 117 000
Implementation period: 1/2014-12/2015

The project was a Czech validation of the application of the DIPEx Methodology at the Health Experiences Research Group in Oxford.
The aim was to develop the methodology, its application, and validation carried out on the Active Aging module and its subsequent certification. The methodology was developed by analysing the determinants of active aging through successful, internationally validated practices and prepared to influence public opinion, beliefs, and attitudes in favour of active lifestyles and health for seniors.

Life balancing and the importance of spirituality in the elderly

Type of project: IGA
Project Number: IGA_CMTF_2014_011
Total support: CZK 242 165
Implementation period: 3/2014 - 2/2015

The research project is aimed at conducting research investigations on the experience of the life assessment of the elderly. The project builds on an existing study on active ageing supported by TAČR. In the interviews already conducted in connection with the study, it appears that the spiritual component is an important factor in the life experience of seniors. Thus, the present IGA research project focuses on this spiritual component - both religious and non-religious. The selection of participants will be made purposefully and measured on prominent personalities of the Czech intellectual community. In a broader context, the aim is to gain a deeper understanding of how persons with higher education experience their life reflections, and how they cope with the search for integrity.

The research aims to establish the prerequisites for placing some parts of the interviews on the web. The study is based on the international DIPEx Oxford project, which is under the auspices of the Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford, UK. The project will undertake a preparatory phase of engagement with the DIPEx project, which will involve conducting 10 qualitative interviews with older people and then transcribing and qualitatively analysing them according to the DIPExmethodology. The actual data collection must be carried out by a trained researcher. However, for selected students there will also be an opportunity to write a thesis on the topic of qualitative research using the DIPEx  methodology and thus engage in qualitative analysis of the interviews. Another dimension is to support the training and research activities of academic staff who will be trained in the DIPEx methodology and will subsequently conduct qualitative interviews with respondents and analyse and publish the results.

Spirituality and Health among Adolescents and Adults in the Czech Republic

Type of project: GACR
Project Number: 15-19968S
Total support: CZK 2 916 000
Implementation period: 1/2015-12/2017

The project focused on the connection between spirituality and health in adolescents and adults in the Czech Republic. It combined a qualitative and quantitative approach to research. In the quantitative part, it examined variables related to spirituality and health, and social determinants. The project consisted of three parts: data from the 2014 Youth and Health Study (HBSC study) related to health and spirituality were analysed. Participants in this part of the study were adolescents aged 13 and 15 years (each group N = 2500). The methods used here are the SWBS short form, and HBSC Symptom Checklist. A representative sample of adults (N = 600) was administered the SWBS short form, Facit Sp and SF 36 health status questionnaire. Both above quantitative studies were complemented by qualitative interviews. During 2015, 30 in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted among adolescents (11-15 years) and 42 interviews among adults.
These interviews will be evaluated in terms of interpretative phenomenological analysis. In the qualitative part, the project relies on the excellent international DIPEx methodology developed by the Health Experiences Research Group, University of Oxford, UK.

Models of Child Health Appraised

Project type: Horizon 2020
Project Number: 634201
Total support: CZK 1 139 000
Implementation period: 2015-2017

The aim of the MOCHA (Models of Child Health Appraised) project is to compare and evaluate existing models of paediatric primary care in different European countries and thus contribute to the development of new models or the improvement of existing ones. This is because primary care differs from one European country to another. In some, it is based on two alternatives - primary care paediatricians or family GPs. School health models and adolescents' access to health services also differ. However, it is not known which of the models used are the best and which are ineffective compared to others.
Thanks to the MOCHA project, we will have the opportunity to explore and evaluate them. This is the first-ever complete analysis of the different models of paediatric primary health care in Europe.

Preparation of Roma children and children from socially marginalised groups from the Olomouc region and its surroundings for education with the help of volunteering and with consideration of spiritual needs

Project type: OP VVV+OPVK
Project number: CZ.02.3.61/0.0/0.0/15_007/0000185
Total support: CZK 49 371 000
Implementation period: 9/2016-8/2019

The project aimed to involve marginalised groups (mainly Roma) in all levels of the education system: preschool education (with the help of informal centres), prevention of school failure in primary schools (with the help of informal clubs for leisure activities), and support for school success in secondary schools. The specificity of the project is the promotion of volunteering and the consideration of spirituality. The project brings innovative elements to a proven methodology. It enhances the structures already in place and builds on the involvement of church structures.
The project focuses on the problem of educational inequality concerning children and pupils from socio-culturally different backgrounds. A large number of those children grow up in an unstimulating environment and are not involved in preschool education. The Olomouc Region, where the project is implemented, does not have large socially excluded locations such as Chánov, Předlice, etc., but even here the problem of social exclusion and its impact on education occurs.

Inspiration in diversity

Project type: OP VVV+OPVK
Project number: CZ.02.3.62/0.0/0.0/16_037/0004831
Total support: CZK 20 488 497
Implementation period: 9/2017-12/2020

The project supports the joint education of children with special educational needs and intact children. Appropriate conditions will be created for the exchange of experiences and mutual learning between schools and their teachers. Activities will be implemented to help make an inclusion process more effective. Awareness of the rights and obligations of pupils and students with SEN in employment will be raised, including the possibility of practical applications. The formation of local groups of parents will be encouraged through parent forums to provide a space for participation and discussion.

Participation of the OUSHI research team in the INSPIRO project:
As part of the project, we are conducting case studies that focus on the experiences of children with specific learning needs (with a particular focus on ADHD) and their parents. The case studies are conducted using the Oxford DIPEx methodology. The aim is to produce case studies of a total of 25 children, 15 parents, and approximately 10 teachers or teaching assistants.

We are primarily interested in topics related to the impact of diagnosis on the school experience, such as:
- How do children with special needs feel in the school environment?
- How do these children manage to communicate and build relationships with their peers?
- How do the children themselves, but also their parents or teachers or teaching assistants perceive their diagnosis?
- How does the diagnosis affect their social interactions and relationships?

Based on these case studies, a website ( will be created to provide information to children, parents, teachers, and other professionals. The purpose of the website is to offer support and information to these target groups. The information will be accompanied by video and audio clips of interviews with project participants.

Promoting the quality of life of families of children with the neurological disease epilepsy

Project type: TACR
Project number: TL01000254
Total support: CZK 3 470 000
Implementation period: 3/2018-2/2020

Epilepsy greatly affects the quality of life of children with this disease and their families.
The project aims to contribute to meeting the needs of these families by providing information and support through a website based on in-depth qualitative interviews. We consider the planned module Epilepsy in Children to be an example of qualitative applied research with significant social science benefits.


Type of project: ROCHE
Total support: CZK 1 004 000
Implementation period: 4/2018-12/2019

Initial phase
As part of the groundwork, there will be a meeting to prepare for recruitment of research participants, a preparatory meeting (of the expert advisory panel), preparation of interview scenarios, preparation of informed consent and documentation, and approval by the ethics committee.

1. Patient interviews
Interviews will be carried out with patients with haemophilia (with inhibitors), with people close to the patient and with health and support professionals. This is a longitudinal study, which means that the interviews will be repeated in each of these groups in three waves in the following sequence: at baseline, in 3 months and in 6 months.

2. Interview analyses
The first step of the analyses will be the transcripts of the interviews. As the interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis, the transcriptions and preparation of the analyses will also take place after the interviews have been conducted. NVivo will be used to define each theme.

3. Creation of publication outputs
Publication outputs will begin with an analysis of the available literature on the topic. These will be based on the research analysis and will form a substantial body of work, especially in the second part of the project. During 2019, two scientific outputs (Jimp) will be submitted. The publication strategy will be subject to mutual agreement. It will be mainly influenced by the research analyses. Possible journals: Haemophilia, BMJ, Quality of Life Research, Value in Health, etc.

Low awareness of this disease is often associated with misconceptions. Patients often have to " educate" pharmacists to get what they need. We would like to put an insight into patients' questions: what are they most afraid of? What is threatening to them? What does treatment and research for new drugs look like? For those around haemophiliacs: What is it like for a woman to know she is a carrier and, despite doctors' disapproval, make the decision to bring into the world a child who will struggle with this disease for a lifetime? In this short report we will present the daily life of a haemophiliac, his attitude towards the disease, how his family perceives it and last but not least we will interview a medical expert. This report will be made into one short video film.

Applied research for policy innovation in the area of access to health care for the socially excluded Roma population

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TL02000164
Total support: CZK 3 904 000
Implementation period: 1/2019-3/2021

The project's main goal is to conduct applied research with the help of a multidisciplinary team, and based on the findings, to innovate existing methodologies and practices in the integration of socially excluded Roma in access to health care and related areas. The research focus was chosen in cooperation with the application supervisor, the Agency for Social Inclusion of the Government Office. The project will be conducted in the Olomouc Region in those districts in which health and social assistants are available, then in districts where there is no such option.
The method of qualitative research with participatory methods will bring, in addition to the involvement of all interested stakeholders in the solution of the situation at the local level, also the opportunity to verify the benefits of the Institute of Health and social assistants and, in case of a positive impact, to support their systemic introduction.

Supporting the quality of life of people with Lyme disease

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TL02000257
Total support: CZK 3 475 000
Implementation period: 1/2019-6/2021

In 2019, literature research on the topic was carried out, then an advisory panel of experts representing specialities relevant to the focus of the project (immunologist, neuro-pathophysiologist, infectologist, microbiologist, psychologists) and potential target groups of users (patients with LB, representatives of patient organisations, relatives of patients) was assembled. After the interview format was created and agreed upon by the advisory panel, data collection was initiated by conducting individual in-depth interviews with patients, which were recorded on a tape recorder and a camera.
So far, 28 interviews have been conducted, all of which have been transcribed verbatim for further analysis. After the first 20 interviews, a second advisory panel was carried out, during which the progress of participant recruitment and data collection was reviewed with experts and a discussion was held on the growing controversy surrounding Lyme disease and its treatment.
The project was presented at two international conferences (in May 2019 in Olomouc and in September 209 in Prague).

Promoting more effective use of wireless technologies for children with hearing impairment

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TJ02000150
Total support: CZK 4 505 000
Implementation period: 5/2019-4/2021

The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of children with hearing impairment and their better integration into schools and society. It consists of several interconnected research projects. In 2019, 16 interviews were conducted with parents of children with hearing impairment using the DIPEx method. Two advisory panel meetings (professionals and non-experts) were held. In addition, the Child Readiness Scale for Wireless Technology was adapted for the Czech environment. Pre-testing was carried out with seven parents of preschool and school-age children with hearing loss and experience with wireless technology.

The association of major life events across the lifespan, insecure attachment style due to childhood trauma and resilience with health

Type of project: GACR
Project Number: 19-18964S
Total support: CZK 2 979 000
Implementation period: 1/2019-12/2021

Within the framework of the GAČR project, in accordance with the project proposal and its topics, we have published an article in the Q1 journal (on the topic of childhood trauma - anxiety and chronic pain in adulthood), the second article (on the topic of migraine - childhood trauma; gender differences) has been submitted since the summer and only at the beginning of February 2020 we have received a negative response, hence we are preparing the article for submission to another professional journal. At the same time, clinical recruitment in Kroměříž and Sternberg (neurotic and addicted patients) has been completed. We presented the data at an international conference. The project also includes a paper on IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). By July 2020, the plan is to submit at least 1-2 more articles in line with the project proposal (one on the topic of resilience in the context of stressors and one on the topic of childhood trauma and relational attachment).

Biological and psychological aspects of spiritual experiencing and their relation to health

Type of project: GACR
Project Number: 19-19526S
Total support: CZK 4 678 000
Implementation period: 1/2019-12/2021

The project aims to to map the overlap in the fields of psychology, spirituality and biology. This requires sufficient expertise in all areas, including the skills to implement methods of biological analysis into practice. Many studies report a positive relationship between religiosity/spirituality (R/S) and health. This project aims to bridge this gap in our knowledge. We want to combine the use of classical quantitative and qualitative approaches used in psychological research with the use of psychobiological indicators (fMRI, oxytocin and cortisol analysis). Furthermore, our aim is to offer a new tool for quantitative measurement of implicit attitudes, which would help to solve problems in the field of social desirability.