TAČR Projekty

The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is an organisational component of the state, which was established in 2009 by Act No. 130/2002 Coll. on the Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation. The establishment of the TACR was one of the important implementation steps of the Reform of the Research, Development and Innovation System. The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic centralises state support for applied research and development, which was previously fragmented among a large number of providers.




Research on a model of remote psychological support for paediatric and adult palliative patients - we are partners in this project

Project type: TACR
Project number: TL04000080
Total support: CZK 4 070 000
Implementation period: 10/2020 - 9/2022

The project intends to develop a model of care and psychological support in preparation for the dying phase using modern technologies. The project also includes the validation of this model from psychological, ethical, economic, spiritual, social, and legal perspectives. The aim is to conduct research in remote psychosocial support for paediatric and adult palliative care patients who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. At that time, it was difficult to provide palliative care from a healthcare perspective to patients when they were in-home care and, conversely, to connect family members with the patient in a healthcare facility due to strict visitation bans, leaving patients dying without the opportunity to say goodbye to loved ones. Time is of the essence in palliative care when it cannot be postponed until after epidemiological measures have passed. In 2021, we have prepared the project "Spiritual Aspects of Palliative Care", and we are in the process of collecting interviews and processing them.

DIPEx methodology in the field of active aging

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TD020339
Total support: CZK 2 117 000
Implementation period: 1/2014-12/2015

The project was a Czech validation of the application of the DIPEx Methodology at the Health Experiences Research Group in Oxford.
The aim was to develop the methodology, its application, and validation carried out on the Active Aging module and its subsequent certification. The methodology was developed by analysing the determinants of active aging through successful, internationally validated practices and prepared to influence public opinion, beliefs, and attitudes in favour of active lifestyles and health for seniors.

Promoting the quality of life of families of children with the neurological disease epilepsy

Project type: TACR
Project number: TL01000254
Total support: CZK 3 470 000
Implementation period: 3/2018-2/2020

Epilepsy greatly affects the quality of life of children with this disease and their families.
The project aims to contribute to meeting the needs of these families by providing information and support through a website based on in-depth qualitative interviews. We consider the planned module Epilepsy in Children to be an example of qualitative applied research with significant social science benefits.

Supporting the quality of life of people with Lyme disease

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TL02000257
Total support: CZK 3 475 000
Implementation period: 1/2019-6/2021

In 2019, literature research on the topic was carried out, then an advisory panel of experts representing specialities relevant to the focus of the project (immunologist, neuro-pathophysiologist, infectologist, microbiologist, psychologists) and potential target groups of users (patients with LB, representatives of patient organisations, relatives of patients) was assembled. After the interview format was created and agreed upon by the advisory panel, data collection was initiated by conducting individual in-depth interviews with patients, which were recorded on a tape recorder and a camera.
So far, 28 interviews have been conducted, all of which have been transcribed verbatim for further analysis. After the first 20 interviews, a second advisory panel was carried out, during which the progress of participant recruitment and data collection was reviewed with experts and a discussion was held on the growing controversy surrounding Lyme disease and its treatment.
The project was presented at two international conferences (in May 2019 in Olomouc and in September 209 in Prague).

Applied research for policy innovation in the area of access to health care for the socially excluded Roma population

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TL02000164
Total support: CZK 3 904 000
Implementation period: 1/2019-3/2021

The project's main goal is to conduct applied research with the help of a multidisciplinary team, and based on the findings, to innovate existing methodologies and practices in the integration of socially excluded Roma in access to health care and related areas. The research focus was chosen in cooperation with the application supervisor, the Agency for Social Inclusion of the Government Office. The project will be conducted in the Olomouc Region in those districts in which health and social assistants are available, then in districts where there is no such option.
The method of qualitative research with participatory methods will bring, in addition to the involvement of all interested stakeholders in the solution of the situation at the local level, also the opportunity to verify the benefits of the Institute of Health and social assistants and, in case of a positive impact, to support their systemic introduction.

Výstupy projektu:

Promoting more effective use of wireless technologies for children with hearing impairment

Project type: TACR
Project Number: TJ02000150
Total support: CZK 4 505 000
Implementation period: 5/2019-4/2021

The main objective of the project is to zlepšit kvalitu života dětí se sluchovým postižením a jejich lepší začlenění do škol i celé společnosti. Sestává z několika propojených výzkumů. V roce 2019 bylo realizováno 16 rozhovorů s rodiči dětí s vadou sluchu metodou DIPEx method. Two advisory panel meetings (professionals and non-experts) were held. In addition, the Child Readiness Scale for Wireless Technology was adapted for the Czech environment. Pre-testing was carried out with seven parents of preschool and school-age children with hearing loss and experience with wireless technology.