
In this section you will find all upcoming or recent conferences.

Psychosomatic Conference

28. - 29. 03. 2025

Druhý ročník odborné konference věnující se transteoretické integraci medicínských a příbuzných oborů.
S hrdostí uvítáme Jana Poněšického, Jiřího Šimka, Martina Pospíchala či Jaromíra Škodu.

Springs of dialogue

18. 5. - 20. 5. 2023

The International Conference on Dialogical Practice is a gathering of individuals who draw inspiration from the ideas of dialogue as an inherent and essential condition of human life.
Where can dialogue originate? What sources and conditions are necessary for it to emerge and develop? Where are the sources of dialogue? These questions constitute the key theme of the conference.

2. Psychosomatická konference

Termín: 28. - 29. 03. 2025
Cena: 3 480 

Conference Theme:

Druhý ročník mezioborové konference propojující odborníky z medicínských a příbuzných oborů. Současná medicína je stále více fragmentovaná, přesto se postupně zvyšuje povědomí o důležitosti psychosomatického přístupu. Vzájemné propojení tělesného a duševního zdraví získává podporu díky výzkumům v oblasti psychoneuroimunologie či dalších integrativních oborů. Přesto na univerzitách stále chybí samostatné katedry psychosomatiky nebo psychoterapeutické medicíny. Naše konference usiluje o podporu celostního pohledu na péči o pacienta, propojení různých odborností a praktické uplatnění psychosomatických metod. Letošní ročník se zaměřuje na roli psychoterapie v psychosomatickém přístupu a nabízí přednášky renomovaných odborníků, mezi nimi Jana Poněšického, Jiřího Šimka, Martin Pospíchala či zahraniční hostku Natálii Kaščákovou. Součástí programu jsou i workshopy, umožňující praktický zážitek, a večerní společenské setkání.


Psychosomatic Conference

Date: March 24 - 25, 2023
Price: 2750 CZK

Historically the first annual professional conference dedicated to the trans-theoretical integration of medical and related fields. The current situation on the doctors' side is such that the Czech Medical Society of JEP registers 124 professional societies and medical associations. Our medicine is fragmented, closed within individual specialties, and only minimally capable of viewing the patient and their illness comprehensively - integratively.

With our work, we would like to contribute to improving the situation in Czech medicine, as well as our conference, which, while more compact in scope than its sister conference in Liberec, includes many interesting contributions from authors who have been involved in psychosomatics for years. With pride, we will welcome Jan Poněšický - an expert with valuable foreign experience in leading a psychosomatic clinic and the author of numerous highly regarded publications on the subject. Also, renowned family therapists from the Liberec Center for Comprehensive Therapy, Ludmila Trapková and Vladislav Chvála, as well as esteemed psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and ethicist Jiří Šimek from Charles University, will be presenting. Other authors will contribute the diversity of their fields to the program, including psychosomatically conceived physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and primary medical care. Scientific-research topics and philosophy will also be covered. The lecture blocks will be followed by a rich set of popular workshops on the first day, to which you can register.

Conference Theme:


Springs of dialogue

Date: May 18 - May 20, 2023
Price: 40€* / 270€**

**main conference with social evening
The International Conference on Dialogical Practice is a gathering of people from academic backgrounds, as well as from helping professions and other fields working with people, who are inspired by the ideas of dialogue as an inherent and essential condition of human life. Dialogical practice is based on the work of Mikhail Bakhtin, reflecting processes and current theories of intersubjectivity and embodiment.

We believe that dialogical practice is one of the ways to embrace agency during times of crisis. Since its inception in the context of psychiatric and psychosocial crises, it has found significant application in other types of crisis situations. It has been shown that dialogue can be a valuable and important response to a crisis. But where can dialogue actually originate? What sources and conditions are necessary for it to emerge and develop? Where are the sources of dialogue? These questions constitute the key theme of the conference.

Furthermore, this will be an excellent opportunity for physical meetings and connections among representatives and supporters of dialogical practice from all around the world. Keynote speakers will come from Europe, North and South America, and Asia. While personal connections are important for us and crucial for dialogical practice, we are also aware of the adverse effects of such gatherings on climate conditions. Therefore, please consider traveling by train or other environmentally friendly means of transportation. We are preparing benefits for those who choose an environmentally friendlier mode of transportation.

Témata konference:

Konference č. 2

Termín: 22. 10. 2022
Cena: 1600 Kč

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Témata konference: